Looking to create a small van water system? Use a simple USB Rechargeable Water Dispenser Pump Hack to create a portable water setup. Most USB rechargeable water dispenser pumps will work for this hack, so if you have one already, give it a try. Otherwise, read on then find one you like on Amazon or AliExpress then come on back.
There are many styles of USB rechargeable pumps, here are a few basic models.

I prefer this model because it is tall enough it doesn’t need modification to raise the spout height for use at a sink. It can also be hacked for conversion to a low flow shower (*see note at end). Another feature of this pump is, it will still run while recharging. As an added bonus, this pump is currently about the cheapest around.
Another common inexpensive pump is the one shown below. While stylistically this might not be my favorite, still a very functional pump.

To use the USB Rechargeable Water Dispenser Pump Hack on this style of pump, you will need to add a base extension to raise the spout higher. This makes it functional at a sink.

The last style of USB rechargeable water dispenser pump is the more stylistic one shown below (and all the similar variations).

Build instructions:
Materials and Tools
- USB rechargeable water dispenser pump with touch switch
- Silicon tubing that is 5mm ID X 8mm OD. Note: a thinner wall tubing is available but not recommended. Also do not use the tubing that is supplied with the pump. Thinner wall tubing tends to collapse when pumping
- 2″ PVC plug
- Rare earth magnet(s). Between 30mm to 40mm diameter and 0.3 mm or more in thickness. The 30mm probably easiest to find and the best value. The 30 mm Forstner bit probably easiest to hand with a hand drill as well. If you need a strong extra hold, magnets may be doubled up.
- Epoxy glue ( I tend to use JB weld because I always have it)
- 1/4″ barb end hose connector
- Drill
- 3/8′ Drill bit.
- Forstner drill bit. Match the size to the diameter of rare earth magnet used. A cheap one will suffice for this job.
- Drill hole in side of PVC plug with 3/8″ drill bit. This will be where the silicon hose supply line will enter the base and mount to pump.
Drill a hole in the side of the PVC base with a 3/8″ drill bit. - Partially drill into the base of the PVC plug with the Forstner bit. The depth of hole should be about the thickness of the magnet so that the magnet sits flush with the base of the PVC plug. If it protrudes a little bit , it isn’t a big deal. You don’t want to go too deep. If doubling up the magnets, compensate depth of whole to accommodate for the 2 magnets.
Drill hole with Forstner bit to a depth that when magnet it is inserted it is flush with the bottom of the PVC plug With the plug drilled, the magnet is ready to glue in place. Magnets are doubled up if you want extra gripping power. Especially helpful if you are using shower hack and sticking the faucet to the side of the car - Glue rare earth magnet in place with epoxy glue.
Glue the magnet into the bottom of the PVC plug you just drilled with epoxy. Here is the finished PVC plug with magnet glued into place. Notice for this installation I also put a magnet in the counter top to hold faucet in place. (make sure you get the magnet polarity correct before you glue!) - Slip a length of silicon tubing through the hole and attach it to the pump push connector.
Push silicon hose through the drilled PVC plug an press fit the hose on the pump fitting in base of pump - Press fit the 2″ PVC plug into the bottom of the pump. Take care not to kink the silicon tubing when inserting the PVC plug.
Assembled pump with magnetic pump base - Obviously the length of the silicon hose is based on personally need, however to make the pump fully portable I insert a 1/4″ polyethylene barb connector in a short piece of silicon tubing that is attached to the pump. This makes an easy connect/disconnect to the water storage vessel .
You can now mount the pump to any iron/steel surface that you like (not stainless steel). I have a small steel plate that use to make the water system portable, a cast iron skillet would work as well. (I’ll cover this in another post). If you want to have a magnetic attachment to a wooden sink stand or other wooden surface, you would repeat the drilling with the Forstner bit into the desired mount location. Then glue in magnet. Very important! make sure you get the magnet polarity correct so they stick to the faucet magnet and doesn’t repel. Double check. Here are a couple of pics of what I’m talking about.

Hope you find these instructions of some help and keep following. A lot of the instruction you will find on this is site builds upon previous projects. This USB water pump hack is the starting point of many other water projects. Future projects include a full small van water system, a camp site portable water system and ultimately a shower system for your small. Stay tuned.
*special note regarding shower attachment hack. I have previously talked about attaching a length of silicone hose to the metal spout of certain styles of USB water pump. I stopped recommending this hack until further testing. I have had a couple of the black pumps (first shown) have water leakage at some of the internal seals. My guess they are failing because of the increase in water pressure, It may be just this particular pump failing I don’t know. Its still possible that its just the black pumps prone to failure. I am still using them, they are about the most powerful and quietest of these pumps. I’ll let you know if they ever fully fall from grace,